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What to Expect:

Each individual's situation is different, and the process will vary.  This brief outline descibes the process.
- Initial Conversation: A potential client contacts Lauren, leaving a voice message or e-mail.  Lauren contacts the potential client, and if they agree to the initial consultation, they schedule a 90-minute session, that the client purchases
- Initial Consultation: Lauren and the potential client explore the motivations and needs of the client, and decide to forward with a therapeutic counselor-client relationship, or not
- Lauren and the new client work out the logistics of sessions, payments, professional, and personal obligations
- They set mutual expectations and preliminary goals, and schedule one or more appointments 

Once the therapeutic counselor-client relationship is established, they begin the process of counseling, which includes:
- Discovery, change, and accomplishment of goals
- Possible new goals, changes, and accomplishments
- Achievement of goals, completion of the therapeutic process